last update 14-november-2007

China october 2007 - Wuzhou: new temple in the hills

[Hugo's bookmarkfile] [reisfoto's] [China October 2007]
in the hills
at the back of Wuzhou a new temple is build in the hills.

the steps
nice steps, but the rest of the climb is just a slippery dirtpath.

the main hall
not allowed to enter, not allowed to stand in the front.

A big Guanyin-statue at the backside of the main hall.

the main hall
busload of people where walking with me, climbing the hill to enter the place, but noone seems to be there, such a big place.

new statue
in one of the buildings at the side I found this new statue.

[Hugo's bookmarkfile] [reisfoto's] [China October 2007]